Directory of Azalea Information


Early Midseason (late April)

A Glenn Dale hybrid, Ambrosia has a light orange yellow 2" flower. Ambrosia also has a definitely erect, and somewhat spreading growth habit and can reach 8 feet tall.


Mid Season (May)

Rose-pink, single, 2" diameter flower. A Glenn Dale hybrid, cold hardy for the Mid Atlantic states with flowers as large and as varied as those of Southern Indicas.

Ben Morrison (photo)

Mid Season (May)

Beautiful bicolor scarlet-orange and white, very attractive against brickwork. A upright, attractive plant reaching 5' after 10 years. Flowers hardy to 5 F. This azalea is named for the former director of the National Arboretum and chief of the Plant Introduction Station in Glenn Dale, Maryland. It was propagated with but not registered as one of the Glenn Dale hybrids.


Early (April-early May)

Vivid coral orange single flowers, 2" across, upper lobe darker. The blooms are subject to sunburn and need partial shade in the afternoon in this area. A Glenn Dale hybrid, cold hardy for the Mid Atlantic states with flowers as large and as varied as those of Southern Indicas. Tall, erect habit of growth, usually reaching about 5 feet in height.


(Late May-late June)

Light pink semi-double to double flowers. A Robin Hill hybrid with the flower characteristics of the Japanese Satsuki azaleas but more hardy and dependable. Flowers are exceptionally large, open-faced, and late blooming. Considered hardy in the range of 0 to +10 F.


Late (June)

When there's almost nothing left of your spring flowers -- out pops Chinzan.  A Satusuki hybrid, its name means rare mountain. Chinzan is vivid pink with a darker blotch. Compact growth habit, said to be good for bonsai. Definitely right for extending the bloom period in smaller gardens.  The foliage is dense and looks good in all seasons.

Conversation Piece

Late (Late May-late June)

Single, rich pink, 4" diameter flowers with dots, blotches, sectors of pink, red, and white, all at the same time, on a low to medium shrub, 25" by 28 " in 10 years, A Robin Hill hybrid with the flower characteristics of the Japanese Satsuki azaleas but more hardy and dependable. Flowers are exceptionally large, open-faced, and late blooming. Considered hardy in the range of 0 to +10F, so needs a protected spot in Maryland winters if it is to bloom well.

Coral Bells

Early (April-early May)

Coral pink, small, 1-1/2" diameter hose-in-hose flowers produced on dwarf, low spreading plants, 3' by 3 to 4'

Cornell Pink

Early (Late March-April, blooms with forsythia)

One of the very first azaleas to flower, it bears its rosy pink blossoms in late winter, well before the leaves appear. A nicely branched upright shrub growing to 6 feet in height with soft green foliage that turns yellow and bronzy-crimson in the fall. Foliage is aromatic when crushed. Tolerates soils that are nearly alkaline. A desirable, hardy, early-blooming shrub.


Early (April-early May)

Mildly fragrant single lavender flowers. A Gable hybrid seedling which was named and introduced by another nursery. Reaches about 5 feet, hardy to -15 F temperatures.

Delaware Valley White

Mid Season (May)

White, single, 2" diameter, one of the more common forms in commerce. Reaches about 3 feet tall, hardy to -5 F temperatures.

Dorothy Hayden

Late (Late May-late June)

Single, open-faced white flowers with a distinct green throat, wider than tall, 15" by 34" in 10 years

Doug's Delight

Early (April-early May)

Blooms once during the HCC spring break and again after final grades are in and the last check has arrived in the mail!

Elsie Lee

Mid Season (May)

Double light lavender flowers. A Tony Shamerello hybrid, bred to withstand winters around Lake Erie. This is fast becoming a favorite in Howard County due to the low temperatures of 1993-4 and 1995-6 -- it has bloomed beautifully after both winters.

Flame Creeper

Late (Late May-late June)

Flowers are orange-red, and the shrub itself is densely branched and spreading, becoming very popular as a ground cover. An Indica type. Indicas are often tender as young plants but become more hardy as they age, so give this azalea special protection with a good layer of mulch around its roots during its first winter.


Late (Late May-late June)

The pink single flower with a distinct dark blotch has a frosty overtone. A Robin Hill hybrid with the flower characteristics of the Japanese Satsuki azaleas but more hardy and dependable. Flowers are exceptionally large, open-faced, and late blooming. Considered hardy in the range of 0 to +10F

Gillie, or Robin Hill Gillie

Late (Late May - June)

Here's a great azalea for gardeners who have had enough of pinks or purples and would like a glorious rose-salmon flower. The flowers are exceptionally large -- 3.5" --, open-faced with wavy lobes, and late blooming. Gillie should reach 22 x 21"in 15 years.  A Robin Hill hybrid with the flower characteristics of the Japanese Satsuki azaleas, Gillie is more hardy and dependable. Considered hardy in the range of 0 to +10F.

Girard's Crimson

Mid Season (May)

Large crimson flowers up to 2-1/2", very large glossy green leaves, good winter color, on a good compact plant

Girard's Rose (photo)

Mid Season (May)

True rose color, 2-1/2 to 3" florets, slightly waved, foliage dark green, 1-1/2 to 2" long by 3/4" wide, deep green and glossy during the summer, taking on brilliant deep red tints in early fall, stems turn deep red in winter; vigorous, upright growth habit. A very attractive plant in all seasons.

Girard's Scarlet

Mid Season (May)

Large flowers, strong red with deep orange-red glow, waxy textured, deep glossy green foliage, low, compact plant, 1-1/2 to 2' by 3'

Girard's Chiara

Mid Season (May)

Clone originated in 1972. Received awards in three American Rhododendron Society shows. Flowers are large, hose-in-hose, 2-1/2 to 3" diameter. Color is clear rose, pleasingly ruffled and very floriferous. Foliage is glossy deep green type which holds very well. Plant takes on a dense, broad growing habit; ideal for borders, foundation planting, and rock gardens. Will withstand -15F. Ideal for forcing indoors.

Girard's Fuchsia

Mid Season (May)

A beautiful shade of reddish purple, florets are beautifully waved and ruffled, of very heavy texture; foliage dark green and glossy. Attractive reddish fall color on the leaves. Both the plant and the buds are hardy to -15 F temperatures, so it survives well in the worst of Maryland winters. This is a exceptionally good azalea for home landscapes.


Mid Season (May)

A variegated sport of "Dorothy Gish" which is orange-salmon, semi-double, hose-in-hose. A Rutherfordiana hybrid, meaning medium sized flowers, 2 to 4' shrubby plants with showy spring bloom, requiring mid-day shade.

Gumpo Pink

Late (Late May-late June)

A Satsuki hybrid with single, salmon pink flowers.

Gumpo White

Late (Late May-late June)

Large single white frilled flowers with occasional purple flecks, dense habit

Hardy Gardenia

Mid Season (May)

A Linwood hybrid with double, hose-in-hose 2-1/2" pure white flowers resembling gardenias. Hardy gardenias can reach 5 feet in height eventually, but 14"x30" wide in 8 years is more realistic in terms of suitability for small gardens. Buds are hardy to 10 F.


Early (April-early May)

Here's a good choice for a no-trouble azalea.  Toughest of the Gable hybrids in cold weather (flower bud hardy to -20F), hose-in-hose rose-purple flowers with darker blotch, reaching about 3' by 3' with a dense, rounded habit.

Hershey Red

Early (April-early May)

Large, 2" diameter bright red, hardier than most, probably to -10F, a Kurume azalea. It is an outstanding grower and very popular as a landscape plant in this area.

Hino Crimson

Early (April-early May)

Brilliant non-fading crimson flower, single, one of the hardiest, low growing compact with small, deep green leaves turning bronze in winter

Hinodi Giri

Early (April-early May)

Vivid red, 1-1/2" diameter flowers, dark green summer foliage turns wine red in fall and winter, 3' by 3 to 4', flower buds test hardy to -8F, a Kurume hybrid

Girard Hot Shot

Mid Season (May)

Fiery deep orange-red or scarlet flowers, 2-1/2 to 3" diameter, heavily textured and completely covering the plants. Foliage 3/4 to 1" long, medium green during summer, changing to brilliant orange-red in fall. More upright habit than Girard Scarlet. Also available with variegated foliage similar to Silver Sword.

Janet Rhea

Mid Season (May)

A Linwood hybrid with semi-double pinkish-red and white flowers, tends to grow naturally into a rounded mound about 2.5' by 2.5' This azalea is truly striking in bloom and deserves a featured spot in a garden.

Joseph Hill

Late (Late May-late June)

Bright red flowers, 12" tall by 42" wide in 13 years, a Polly Hill's North Tisbury hybrid, grown to produce prostrate, hardy, evergreen forms that can be used as ground covers.


Late (Late May-late June)

Late blooming dwarf hot pink, darker spots, particularly showy. Usually low and compact but can reach 3-4".


Late (Late May-late June)

A species rather than just one cultivar, R. kiusianum is a dwarf evergreen of semi-evergren shrub, occasionally up to 3', with a dense, spreading habit. The leaves are dark green, small, and oval-shaped. It is hardy to about 0 degrees F and is especially picky about good drainage of the soil. Red, white, and purple kiusianum cultivars also exist in addition to the pink.


Midseason (April)

Kobold is a gorgeous true red to deep purplish red, 2" across, and needs to be planted away from the pinks and oranges. A Glenn Dale hybrid, it has a dense, twiggy growth habit and can reach 5' high.

Lady Robin

Late (Late May-late June)

Pink and white 3-1/2" flowers. Semi-dwarf, 21"x36" in 15 years. ARobin Hill hybrid.

La Roche

Early (April)

Vivid electric mauve, a very bright spot in the early spring landscape with daffodils, hardy blossoms unless a severe spring frost hits. Plants hardy to zone 6 (-10 F). Size can reach 5-6' after 10 years. A Gable hybrid.

Laura Morland

Early May

Laura Morland has a neat, feminine appeal that survives spring rainstorms and hot days. The flowers are moderate pink, variably semi-double, and 2-1.2" across. Rounded growth habit. Robin Hill hybrid.


Late (Late May-late June)

Pastel pink flowers with a moderate red blotch. Like most of the North Tisbury hybrids, Louisa is a low, dwarf, spreading shrub, approximately 10"x 33" in 10 years.


Late (Late May-late June)

Low, compact, double red, spreading growth habit, 3' high, an Indica type azalea

Martha Hitchcock

Late (Late May-late June)

White flowers with purple edge, 3" across. A broad, spreading bush reaching 4" high. Martha Hitchcock foliage does not open up until about June, and the plant can look a bit bedraggled before then. It develops beautifully once the warm weather arrives.

Mary Elizabeth

Mid Season (May)

Deep purplish pink, 2-1/2" flower, 24"x30" wide in 4 years. a Linwood hybrid, hardy to 0 F temperatures.

Mother's Day

Early (April-early May)

Large vivid red flower, wide-growing. A Kurume hybrid, about 2-1/2 feet high in 10 years.

Mrs. Nancy Dipple

Early (April-early May)

Pale pink double flowers. An H. R. Schroeder hybrid, very cold hardy but requires afternoon shade in Howard County's hot summers.

Mt. St. Helens

Mid Season (May)

A blend of pink, salmon, with yellow and orange blotch exploding from all copper flower petals, very large trusses, 5" by 6", holding 12 to 15 florets of very heavy texture; upright with good foliage that holds well until winter

Mount Seven Star

Late (Late May-late June)

A vivid red with wavy lobes on a low, dense plant, a Polly Hill's North Tisbury hybrid, grown to produce prostrate, hardy, evergreen forms that can be used as ground cover

Nancy of Robin Hill

Mid Season (May)

Large, 2-1/2" double flowers open clear rosy pink and mature to soft pastel pink, liberally marked with light red. Grows to 2 feet tall and 1-1/2' around in 5 years. A special favorite of its breeder, named in honor of his wife.


Late (Late May-late June)

Single pink flowers


Mid Season (May)

Double white flowers with light purple flakes and specks,some shading of pink and light purple, center pale green. Nearly a pompom double flower, about 2-1/2" across. Spreading, hardy to -5 F temeperatures.

Olga Niblet

Late (Late May-late June)

Olga is white with a yellowish cast and a yellow throat, considered outstanding by leading Rhododendron authorities for its subtle, distinct flower color. Considered one of the best of the Robin Hill hybrids. A medium to upright grower, ultimately 4' by 3'. Eye-catching in any setting.


Mid Season (May)

Think a little about location before you plant your Opal azalea because it has an unusual tendency to flower in mid-spring and then again in the autumn.  The pink flowers are double and about  2.5".  The clear pink is pretty in the springtime and almost shocking in the fall.  Don't put it next to the mums or nobody will notice them!  Opal grows to 3-4' quickly and has a rounded habit that will not need much if any pruning.  A Linwood hybrid, hardy to 0F.

Orange Cup

Mid Season (May)

A Kurume azalea, Orange Cup is predictably a stronge orange color, with hose-in-hose flowers.

Pleasant White

Late (Late May-late June)

Large 1-1/2 to 3" diameter white flowers with a cream center, late flowering and vigorous, 2 to 2-1/2' by 3', dark green foliage, hardy

Plum Leaf

Late (June-July)

One of the most interesting and unique of North American native plants (native to SW Georgia and East Alabama), its wild populations are becoming restricted. Large, gracefully formed, many-toned red blossoms extend the azalea blooming season into midsummer. The blooms, a unique orange-red to red hue, are handsomely set off by lush, mid-green foliage. 8 to 10' in 10 years.

Pocono Pink

Mid Season (May)

Here's a pale pink azalea which can gros BIG for you, say 6-7 feet tall, and look wonderful at the edge of the woods, on the bank of a creek, or in front of evergreens where it can grow to its full size.  Pocono Pink is a pale, soft pink that can be overwhelmed by any saturated color nearby, so it looks best against darker foliage. This plant is an unknown hybrid discovered in Richmond, VA.

Rain Fire (photo)

Late-mid season (early June)

Rain Fire is a bright, vivid red with large 3" flowers appearing fairly late in the bloom season.  Sun tolerant.  24 x 30" wide in 8 years.  A Harris hybrid, Rain Fire is hardy in zones 7a-9a.


Mid Season (May)

Well, what would you expect? Dark velvet red, a spreading azalea, about 3 feet high in 10 years. A Shamarello hybrid, hardy in the coldest Howard County winters.

Renee Michelle

Mid Season - Late (Late May - June)

Large deep pink blossoms, 2-1/2 to 3", with deeper rose spotting and ruffled lobes, this azalea stands out as utterly feminine even in a May garden. The foliage is a dark green, leaves 1-1/2" by 1/2"; The plants are low, compact, and bloom well in fairly deep shade.  Lovely along a path.  Renee Michelle is a cross of "Boudoir" and "Gumpo Pink"  and has withstood -10F winter temperatures.

Robert Hyatt

Mid Season (May)

Deep pink with dark pink spotting in a blotch, 2-1/4" flower. Compact habit, reaching a size of about 18"x15" high in 10 years. This is one of the H.R. Schroeder hybrids from Evansville, Indiana, developed to withstand the cold Midwestern winters and to be compact plants with single or double flowers. Schroeder hybrids are hardy to -15 F temperatures.


Mid Season (May)

Deep purplish pink double rosebud form (hose-in-hose) flower on compact shrub with spreading low dense growth, a Gable hybrid. Slower rate of growth than most azaleas.


Mid Season (May)

A Gable hybrid, but introduced by another nursery. Vivid reddish purple, 1-1/2" flower, a low, spreading growth pattern. Beautiful reddish-purple fall leaf color.


Late (June)

Definitely for someone who loves a unique azalea, Shiraito-no-Taki means Waterfall of White Threads in Japanese.  It has white strap-like flowers, similar to the the flowers of a Witchhazel rather than any other azalea you've seen.  The petals are split to the base, and the flower size about 1.5-2".  A Satsuki, Shiraito-no-Taki would be striking placed alone in a bed with some small ground covers below it, backed by some larger evergreens.  It wouldn't shine placed next to one of the more traditional flower shaped azaleas.

Shroeder's Sunray

Mid Season (May)

Light reddish orange.

Silver Sword

Early (April-early May)

Flowers vivid pink to red, approximately 2" across, foliage deep green with creamy white margins, becoming more available in garden centers.


Early (April-early May)

Clear red single flowers, a Gable hybrid. For a dense, compact plant, shear this azalea after blooming.


Mid Season (May)

Clear light pink, hose-in-hose flowers which bloom in mid-season (late April-early May) in Howard County. A Kurume hybrid, Tradition grows at only a medium rate but eventually may reach 6 feet. Widely available in the Maryland area and a popular landscaping choice, Tradition is hardy to zone 6 (-10F).

Tryon Pink


Beautiful rose pink, large, double flower, resembling a camellia, hardy to zone 6 (-10 F). Attractive foliage and rounded growth pattern.


Late (Late May-late June)

Deep pink to light red flowers in late June, forms a circular mound 15" by 39" wide in 12 years; a Polly Hill's North Tisbury hybrid, grown to produce prostrate, hardy, evergreen forms that can be used as ground covers.


Late (June)

No two flowers match exactly on a Yuka azalea.  The large 4" flowers with ruffled lobes are basically white with light pink, occasionally flushed or streaked with strong pink, all with a deep red center blotch.    Yuka has a mounding habit, 18 x 30 in 10 years, and is hardy to -9F.  Yuka comes from a selection of cuttings of Satsuki azaleas growing in Japan and sent -- without labels -- to Mrs. Polly Hill at Martha's Vineyard, MA.  She named them after her Japanese friends. (Yuka must have been one of the more interesting ones.)

Anne Wolf

Computer Systems Department - Class Project

Howard Community College

Columbia, Maryland  USA

Last updated June, 2000